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East London to Butterworth (130 km).  Butterworth to Kentani (34 km).
Enter Kentani and immediately take left turn for 7 km to Kobonqaba Bridge where you cross & continue for another 1.5km .
Turn right on the Wavecrest Rd (NOT Mazeppa Rd) for 2,5 km to another fork.
Take left turn (NOT Wavecrest Rd ).  Pass Nqusse Trading Store & carry on 9,5km in total, ignoring new roads off to the right (shown on map) until you reach the Bridge Under Water.
Cross Bridge Under Water & continue along road for 4km, ignoring roads bearing left (school & shop).
After passing the shop, carry on for 2,5km and bear right (left goes to caravan park).
Carry on another 2km & bear right when entering the camp, go through the dip, first cottage on the left.


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Last modified: September, 2010